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November 27, 2024

A way for members to participate in our monthly meetings

It is easy and a way to participate. (Virtual members may not vote but may provide input to the meeting at any time)

A new option on trial basis will be available to our members in good standing (dues up to date).
bginning with the January 21, 2025 MEETING, we intend to offer members participation via Zoom (video conference).

How this will work is as follows:

  1. Send an email requesting participation to

  2. If you are listed in our records as a current member, you will receive an email with a link address

  3. On November 19th after 5:30 PM, click the link

  4. You will be in a holding "room" (virtual hold)

  5. The administrator will let you in at an appropriate time (likely 5:45 PM)

  6. The meeting starts at 6:00 PM

Things to remember:

Your audio will show muted as it will be set to automatically mute all participants

To join the conversation, unmute your audio and mute after you are finished with the conversation

Anyone keeping their microphone open with background noise may be removed from the meeting

You can join from your phone or computer, and can chose to participate audio only, but video and audio is preferred

The meeting audio will be recorded for society transcript by our secretary and be erased afterwards, No recording will be released to anyone other than the administrator and secretary for transcription.

This is for a trial and may or may not continue starting with the January 2025 meeting

December 12, 2024

We had a great turnout on December 10th for our pot-luck dinner.

The 2025 officers were elected and updates on what was accomplished in 2024 was presented.

If you have not visited lately, we will be open almost every Third Sunday of the month from 2-5PM.

Every day we work hard to make things even better for your historic preservation.

January 7, 2025

Wishing all a great 2025

We have returned to our volunteer time at the History Center after the holiday break. The Board of Directors are preparing for the new year by meeting about the future and current items for discussion.

We are excited about planned changes at the center, pending a anticipated grant issuance.

We are addressing how to increase our membership and volunteers. Be sure to stop by even if just for conversation.

January 16, 2025

We sent an email to those with a valid one on file with us about the availability of Zoom call (video/audio) conferencing for our January 21 meeting.

If you did not get one and you are a member of the Society, please send your address to HarrahHistoricalSociety,

We have to reschedule our February meeting due to the weather. That does not keep us from still working behind the scenes to improve things.

We have sent reminders to our members who overlooked their 2025 dues. We have contacted (and received some) business donations. We continue to post interesting things on Facebook at no charge.
We now have the ability to scan members' non-copyright books and document and save these digitally at no charge to active members.
We are actively reorganizing displays and items for easier viewing (and for space management).
And more...

February 26, 2025

We had a great turnout at our rescheduled meeting last night. Our mayor and District 1 council member showed in support.
Glendia Warren brought some goodies, Carol Willemse brought hot chocolate, and the society provided coffee.
We discussed a number of things, including replacement of our banner at the post office that had seen better days. Our finances were shown to be in good shape. The bylaws were updated to eliminate the "council" and change then to "Members of the Board." This doesn't change the process a whole lot but streamlines decision making somewhat.
With inflation costs, dues were voted on to increase by $10, starting calendar year 2026.
Much more was discussed. The virtual part of the meeting was a success as well with good audio.