We discussed a program to allow current Harrah and Harrah related people to tell their story for future generations to see and hear. At this time, we are only in the planning stages but are excited for the possibility. Read on:
A journey through time
If you look back 20 years (or less), memories are bound to surround you. Some sad memories, but mostly good memories, because we prefer the good ones. Parents, friends, and acquaintances have come and gone. Many times, we wish we could have just a few more minutes to talk with them or simply hear about their experiences. If only they had left us with some chronicle of their life beyond what we remember.
The Harrah Historical Society is looking for people related to Harrah Oklahoma and surrounding areas to tell their story about their history and life there. We are talking about people who are willing to sit down and tell us about their life experiences in or around Harrah Oklahoma, to be recorded on video and then archived into the Harrah Historical Society’s records for anyone to access afterwards.
This would be a session to possibly last ½ hour, although time is flexible. We would like to give our members in good standing the first opportunity. Sessions would be held at the Harrah History Center’s Museum, although some accommodation might be available for at home recordings.
This is an opportunity to leave your story behind for your family and friends who may wish to hear your voice, and see your image for a living memory in the future.
If you may be interested, please use the "Contact" Page and let us know. Remember that this is still tentative, but we will reply.