A way for members to participate in our monthly meetings
It is easy and a way to participate. (Virtual members may not vote but may provide input to the meeting at any time)
A new option on trial basis will be available to our members in good standing (dues up to date).
For our monthly MEETINGs, we intend to offer members (no cost) participation via Zoom (video conference).
How this will work is as follows:
We will send out an email before the meeting with a link.
If you are listed in our records as a current 2025 paid member with a valid email, you will receive an email with a link address
On the date of the meeting simply click on the link between 5:45 and 6:00 PM (if the meeting starts at 6:00, otherwise 15 minutes prior to start time)
You will automatically be admitted, and your name or "handle" will appear on our screen.
Mute your audio and unmute video if you wish to be seen.
Most monthly meetings start at 6:00 PM
Things to remember:
Your audio should show muted as we will set it to automatically mute all participants
To join the conversation, unmute your audio and mute after you are finished with the conversation
Anyone keeping their microphone open with background noise may be removed from the meeting
You can join from your phone or computer, and can chose to participate audio only, but video and audio is preferred
The meeting audio will be recorded for society transcript by our secretary and be erased afterwards. No recording will be released to anyone other than the administrator and secretary for transcription.
This is for a trial and may or may not continue if not being used by members.
Any questions can be sent to HarrahHistoricalSociety.IT@gmail.com